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When Earring Magic Ken came out (sorry), Mattel’s manager of marketing and communications did her best to deny that the doll is clearly wearing a cock ring, telling Dan Savage that Mattel is “not in the business of putting cock rings into the hands of little girls. But Gerwig is apparently going for a less-is-more approach, and that’s fine too.Įarring Magic Ken, for those unfamiliar, wore an earring on his left ear, a lavender mesh shirt, a matching pleather vest, and most notably, a necklace that bore a striking resemblance to a cock ring. Boy gay drugs amateur There's more smiling this time as he lays ba. Watch gay sex and drugs, women sex drug, best drug for sex, date drug sex porn movies and download Gay, Sex Toy, drugged gay sex streaming porn to your. Young hot sex drugs fun tube and free foreign gay porn video It seems. Sure, the original 1993 doll, an accidental gay icon, was wearing many more accessories than Gosling Ken. Free drugs young teen gay porn sex videos Two Boys Filming Their Raw F.

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With bleached blond hair, a denim cutoff vest showing off his glistening abs and matching washboard jeans paired with Calvin Klein-inspired “KEN” underwear, this is clearly “ Earring Magic Ken,” aka “Cock Ring Bottom Ken,” just sans earring.

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